
Why invest in Alpha 311?

We are a small company with truly global ambitions, and we are looking for additional investment to help us achieve them.

Are you passionate about renewable technology and looking for the ‘right’ company to invest in?

Fill in the form below so we can have a chat and see if we should be working together, we would love to add you to our valued Alpha 311 shareholder family.

Multiple use cases

Our unique Vertical Axis Wind Turbines can be deployed almost anywhere, harnessing both man-made and natural airflow.

Installed onto telecoms towers, commercial building rooftops, streetlights next to major highways and more.


Our scalability is evident with interest from around the world before the first product has been installed.

MOUs valued at over £100m and thousands of enquiries including blue-chip companies & governments.

Patented Technology

We understand the value of intellectual property and have taken appropriate steps to protect the innovation within the turbine. The team is also looking to the future with plans to develop further innovation within the turbine which will be similarly protected.

Strong team and business partners

We are working with subject matter experts to ensure the turbine we deploy will deliver on expectations and delight our customers. We are really doing our homework and will not follow the current industry norm of promising turbine outputs which are unachievable.

Scalable business model

With a turbine that can be deployed virtually anywhere and with customer interest from across the world we have established a business structure and model that can scale, whilst remaining commercially viable.

Contact Us

If you are interested in becoming part of our valued Alpha 311 shareholder family, please fill in the form and we can have a chat.


If you're getting in touch on behalf of an organisation, please use your organisation email.


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