
Turbine undergoes university wind tunnel testing

The Alpha 311 turbine recently entered the next stage of testing, being put through its paces at the University of Southampton wind tunnels.

First test of a full-size turbine mounted to a lighting column

We know we’ve been quiet lately, but we have a good reason! Here’s our new, full-size wind turbine.

Connected Energy collaboration adds battery support to Alpha 311 turbines

Alpha 311 is working with battery company Connected Energy to deploy turbines alongside battery storage solutions.

3,000 Alpha 311 turbines for UEC Energy

Alpha 311 is very pleased to announce that we have signed an MoU with The Ubiquity Energy Company (UEC Energy), with a goal of deploying 3,000 turbines to their customers.

2,000 wind turbines set for Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Alpha 311 is working with Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) to bring 2,000 turbines to the area.

Why should we focus on generating energy locally?

As temperatures have risen to record-breaking highs this week, we’re reminded of the need to move faster; the need to meet net zero targets sooner; the need for governments, businesses, and society to make changes, now.

World’s first roadside deployment of Alpha 311 turbines for Telford

The first public road in the world to host our wind turbines will be in Telford, in the United Kingdom.

Councils don’t need planning permission for Alpha 311 turbines

The optimal location for our turbines is alongside roads, mounted to street lighting. Placed there, they will be turned by natural wind as well as by the air turbulence created by cars and lorries as they pass on either side.

Do the energy giants need the government energy loan scheme?

Yesterday, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, announced a package of help for those most impacted by the Ofgem energy price rise. On April 1, around 22 million customers will be hit by an energy price increase of 54%.

The energy crisis: how the hell did we get here?

When talking about the energy crisis, it’s best to start with renewables – specifically wind-powered energy generation. Obviously, wind power is reliant on significant and sustained airflow, and over the past decade Europe has invested heavily in offshore wind farms and has reaped the benefits.